Connecting the device to your Tesla

Before you get started

Your Tesla Android Compute Module 4 Hardware Bundle is powered via USB-C. If you drive a newer Tesla you can use the ports in the center console. If you experience any power related issues (very low performance, problems with booting etc) use a good quality 12V power adapter with USB-C Power Delivery (at least 3A at 5V).

How to connect the Bundle with your car?

1. Power on the device by inserting a USB-C power cable
2. Tap the signal strength on the status bar.

2. Open Wi-Fi Settings.

3. Enable Wi-Fi in the dialog and close it.
4. Tap the signal strength icon once again and connect with the Wi-Fi network. It is called Tesla-Android_XXXX, the default password is: changeit

5. After connecting with the network open Wi-Fi Settings once again and tap the Tesla Android network on the sidebar. Check the: "Remain connected in Drive" checkbox
5. Open the Tesla Browser and navigate to You should see the Android home screen. Add the page to your bookmarks for later use.



If your Tesla doesn't establish the connection with the Tesla Android device while the vehicle is in Park you'd need to turn on Wi-Fi manually. 




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