You don't need to use CarPlay for Navigation. Tesla Android can use the coordinates provided by your vehicle. When you first launched the Tesla Android app it asked for your consent. If you did not grant it or want to check if everything is configured correctly you can do so in the Settings.
Checking the GPS status
1. Open the Tesla Android app in your Tesla by navigating to in the browser and tap the Settings icon in the corner.

2. Select the Settings tab on the bottom navigation bar

3. Select the GPS section on the sidebar

4. You can check the permission status on the web page. If it is revoked you can change it by tapping the location icon in the address bar or clearing the browser data in your car settings (in the Service tab)
Checking the GPS status
1. Open the Tesla Android app in your Tesla by navigating to in the browser and tap the Settings icon in the corner.

2. Select the Settings tab on the bottom navigation bar

3. Select the GPS section on the sidebar

4. You can check the permission status on the web page. If it is revoked you can change it by tapping the location icon in the address bar or clearing the browser data in your car settings (in the Service tab)