Configuring CarPlay
CarPlay is just an app that runs on the Android OS, after initial setup your phone will automatically pair with CarPlay wirelessly every time you enter the car. Bundles shipping in October 2023 or later come with the app preconfigured. The default settings are listed below just in case.
Connecting CarPlay
1. Swipe up on Android home page to reveal the app drawer and open the app called Autokit.
2. Under the Bluetooth Icon you can find the device name. It is usually AutoKit-XXXX. Pair with this Bluetooth device on your iPhone and CarPlay will start after you grant the permission. The audio will be routed to your Tesla via Bluetooth, you can use your steering wheel to control the media and answer calls.
Default settings
1. Swipe up on Android home page to reveal the app drawer and open the app called Autokit.
2. Tap the settings icon.
3. Set the framerate to 60fps.
4. Scroll down and tap on Advanced Settings.
5. Set the Audio Channel to Bluetooth and Charging Mode to Weak. Later you can enable the App Full Screen mode, it fixes an issue with navigation buttons not hiding after CarPlay is connected